5 Reasons to Try Recruitment Marketing for Talent Acquisition

Recruitment marketing is the practice of highlighting your company's unique value perspective in order to attract the top talent from your industry. Using popular advertising strategies like content marketing and social media brings potential candidates to you instead of the other way around. In fact, social media is responsible for leading 73% of job seekers to new positions. 

That's just one reason why recruitment marketing tactics work for so many businesses, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies. If you need any more incentive to try this strategy, here are more associated benefits. 

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1. Increased Brand Visibility

Jobseekers aren't the only ones that face competition during the job search. Your company is just one of thousands that are looking to attract the most qualified candidates. A recruitment marketing strategy increases your brand's visibility on job boards where every company looks the same to candidates.  

As an example, seeing an advertisement for your company before the search encourages the lead to apply with your brand first. 

Additionally, this strategy helps you find candidates that share your company's culture and values. When you have an employee who's passionate about their work and their employer's mission, they're motivated to keep their positions for as long as possible.  

2. Hyper-Targeted Approach

Even if your job listings get a lot of attention, employers will often waste a lot of time and resources during the screening process. If your job listing is too basic, jobseekers don't know what your company stands for and will apply based on the position title alone. Most of these candidates probably won't be a good fit for your company's vision, resulting in either a wasted interview or short-term employment.  

In some cases, insufficient recruitment marketing can even affect your brand's image as a whole. Jobseekers may see your company as inattentive and impossible to please. They may spread the word and discourage others from working for your organization. 

Recruitment marketing also lets you target specific groups of candidates, eliminating any confusion on the behalf of the jobseeker, resulting in a smoother interview. 

3. Improved Candidate Experience

Even after a potential candidate has accepted a position with your company, they may still jump ship fairly early in the recruitment process. This is often because the candidate applied for the job without the best understanding of your company's culture and whether or not they’re a fit. While they might still decide to stay with your company, you're potentially missing out on someone who's a better fit for the role.  

It's better to use recruitment marketing before the job search even starts, allowing you to attract the most qualified leads before there’s an active need and be specific about what sets your company culture apart. 73% of jobseekers will only apply to a position if their values align with their potential employers.  

4. Cost-Effective Ad Spend

Traditional advertising methods can be expensive, but recruitment marketing is unique in the fact that it mainly uses social media and online job boards.  

A social media advertising strategy may only cost around $20 per day, and content like pay-per-click ads ensure that you're never wasting ad dollars. Digital ads are also targeted to reach your audience based on the interests or demographic qualities your ideal candidate should possess.  

5. Numerous Long-Term Benefits

Filling immediate job vacancies doesn't have to be your only priority in developing a recruitment advertising campaign. Even if you're only looking for a handful of hires, your advertisements will leave a strong impression on other candidates. That increases your chances of these candidates applying for other positions at your company in the future. 

In addition to increased brand visibility, recruitment marketing has the potential to spark increased engagement from top talent.  

Candidates who don't make the cut will likely still visit your website to learn more about your organization. Inspired by the seamless recruitment and hiring process, satisfied hires may leave glowing reviews about your organization on sites like Glassdoor, giving you a pipeline of qualified candidates. 

Enjoy Recruitment Marketing Success with Mid-West Family Springfield 

If you want to build a strong brand reputation and create the best candidate experience, there's no better method than recruitment marketing. The experts at Mid-West Family Springfield can help you with a wide range of digital advertising options and the perfect strategy that fits your business. Contact us today to get started. 

The Essentials of a Successful Recruitment Campaign

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